Multifamily Utility Company Help Center

How do I find and understand my reimbursement report?

  1. Navigate using Internet Explorer to our billing portal
  2. Go to our website ( and click on the “Managers” link at the top right.
  3. Enter your Username and Password and click the “Login” button. If you have not been assigned a Username or Password or have forgotten either please contact your account manger.
  4. Navigate to the “Reports Portal.”
  5. Move your mouse cursor over “Community Home” at the top left of the menu bar across the top.
  6. Click on “Reports Portal.”
  7. Select “FIN166”. Depending on the reporting requirements you have requested you may have more or less reports showing than what is shown below. If you have additional reporting requirements please discuss these with your account manager.
  8. Select the Community and the Reimbursement Period you would like a report for. The default Report Format is PDF which is suggested.
  9. Click “Run Report”
  10. Select the Community and the Reimbursement Period you would like a report for.
  11. Once downloading completes the report will open in Adobe PDF.
  12. The amount at the bottom of the report, “Total” is the utility reimbursement amount for the given period. If the number is in brackets then this is the amount that will be processed for payment. If the number is not in brackets then there will not be a reimbursement check this period due to a negative property account balance. Please go to the last page for common causes of a negative account balance. (DISCLAIMERS: Please remember that for your first reimbursement, it can take approximately 4-6 weeks for the review and processing of the payment. It is important to note that if you are receiving your payments via check, these are delivered by USPS therefore, delivery estimates and timeframes will vary.  Thank you.)
  13. To view a detailed sub-report of any item within the collections Breakdown (Resident Payments for the period, etc), click the desired line item (amount in blue) within this report. *Please note you will need to be logged in when you do this.


Common causes of a negative account balance and/or high/low reimbursement checks

  1. In the first two to three billing periods it is common to have low collection rates while tenants are adjusting their budgets and getting questions answered regarding their first bills.
  2. If the property pays the account setup charge instead of billing this to the tenants this will automatically be added to the reimbursement account and will be deducted from utility collections first. 
  3. If multiple tenants pay their bill late, or not at all in a particular billing period late charges are added to the reimbursement account and will be deducted from the reimbursement until the tenant account is paid. This is the number one reason for the sometimes large variances in reimbursement checks from one month to another. 
  4. It a tenant pays their bill after a given billing period it will be included in the next reimbursement. 
  5. If you have a property with submeters and we have performed maintenance or paid for annual fees on your behalf these costs will be added to the property reimbursement account and deducted from the reimbursements until paid in full.




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