Multifamily Utility Company Help Center

Why was my payment not accepted?

This could be for two reasons:

  1. Multifamily Utility Company currently does not accept American Express or prepaid cards.
  2. Your credit card or checking account needs to match your billing address on file.
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    Ernie Libre

    I want to pay my bill

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    Richard Theiss

    We received a notification email today that there was a Payment Failure of our last payment. We are on automatic payment and the card given for paying has not changed. It has worked for two or more years without a problem. The problem is at your end, so fix it. We should not be charged late fees if you have problems. I am on vacation in upstate New York and cannot waste my time calling you and hanging on the line waiting for a person to answer. I already did so this morning, and the person could not help me. Why should I have to call you back if you are the ones having a problem?
    Richard Theiss

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