Meter Example:
1. Stand directly in front of your electric meter with the meter at eye level. You will notice a series of round dials on the meter face. Each dial has ten numbers (0 - 9) and a pointer like a clock hand. The pointers advance when electricity flows through the meter, so the dials indicate the total number of kilowatt-hours (KWH) you have used.
a. To determine your correct meter reading, simply read the dials in order from right to left. As you read each dial, write down the number. In most cases, the pointer will be between two numbers on the dial. THE CORRECT NUMBER IS THE LOWER OF THE TWO, EXCEPT WHEN BETWEEN THE 0 AND 9, IN THAT CASE YOU WOULD READ THE 9.
2. When reading each dial, pay attention to which direction it runs - some dials run clockwise, and others run counterclockwise. If you are not careful, this could lead you to misread the dials. Try reading the example above. It should be read as 75,245 KWH.
3. When a pointer rests directly on a number, as in the fourth dial from the right in this example, be sure to check the dial to the immediate right. If that pointer has not passed zero, as shown here, the number in question has not yet been reached. Therefore, the dial above should be read as five, not six. The correct reading for this meter is 75,933 KWH. To determine how much electricity you have used in a month, we subtract the latest meter reading from the previous month's meter reading. In the examples shown above, the difference between the two readings is 688 KWH (75,933 KWH - 75,245 KWH = 688 KWH). So if these readings were taken for consecutive months, you would be billed for 688 KWH of electricity.
I've been asked the building management company to show me where is my electrical meter is, but they didn't know in the first place and now they may know where is it but don't know how to read it. I never saw my meter yet, but the building manager said it is a digital meter, not the one you show me above. And also I don't understand the invoice that you sent to us. Is there any explanation of Electric on the description? Last month we have the bill like double then we sued to get billed and we ask for management about it, so they said don't pay it now until they find out what is going on, so we didn't pay for it and we got billed the late fee with it on this month. I don't understand with it you don't communicate with them? Could you show me where is my electrical meter is and explain why we get charged double?